3Dresyn OD C&B Ceramic for printing durable Ceramic Biocomposite Crowns & Bridges and fixed veneers in opaque A1, A2, A3, A3.5, A4, B1, B2, B3, B4, C1, C2, C3, C4, D2, D3, D4 & Bleach BL1 tooth colors has these features and benefits:
- ideal for printing ultra safe durable and resistant Ceramic Biocomposite Crowns & Bridges, fixed veneers and frames with similar properties to ceramic composites
- radio opaque biocomposite 3D resin containing at least 25% by weight micron and submicron ceramics
- contains antibacterial agents to reduce the risk of gingivitis and periodontal disease occurrence
- choose LV version for a relatively Low Viscosity version <7000 cps at 25ºC for printing without heated printers or below 25ºC
- choose HV version for a relatively High Viscosity version <10000 cps at 25ºc for printing with heated printers or above 25ºC, for overall improved durability and mechanical properties
- superior durability, mechanical properties and abrasion resistance
- ideal for pontic connector thickness of 4-7 mm (always above 4 mm for maximum mechanical strength)
- ideal for a minimum wall thickness of 1.5 mm (always above 1.3 mm for maximum mechanical strength))
- select opaque tooth colors with shades in A1-4, B1-2, C1-4 and Bleach BL1*
- high hardness, Shore hardness D88-90
- very high flexural strength >100MPa
- elongation at yield <3%
- high rigidity (Young modulus 2500-3500 MPa)
- tensile strength >50 MPa
- high resolution up to 20 micron
- excellent dimensional stability
- very low shrinkage
- printable by most commercial and professional SLA, DLP & LCD 3D printers
- increased durability of the resin tank
- organo-tin free
water solubility: ≤ 1,6 µg/mm3
- hydrophobic, ultra low water sorption ULWA≤ 32 µg/mm3
- minimum light postcuring in light box is required
- warm the resin a bit to 25-30ºC before printing to reduce the peeling force
- fully compliant with the Quality requirements of FDA, ISO 20795, 13485 & 10993
- discover our adhesives and cements in gingiva colors and all Vita colors
- discover our light curable opaque cement available in all Vita colors, before fixing traasparent crowns & bridges, fixed veneers, etc.
*Note: color shades are approximate and may be affected by printing and postcuring specifications beyond our control