Our Bioflex resins are supplied as:
- Monomer Free MF (as supplied) for ultra safe biomedical applications and bioprinting
- Monomer Based MB for technically demmanding applications where mechanical resistance is more important than safety
Our biocompatible Bioflex 3Dresyns for SLA, DLP & LCD printing of safe and mechanically resistant flexible biomedical applications (class I, II and higher).
Overall Features & Benefits:
- Bioflex grades have been designed for printing functional flexible biomedical applications with superior mechanical properties
- Bioflex MB grades exhibit slightly superior mechanical performance, such as superior tensile and flexural strength, tear and folding endurance than than their Bioflex MF counterparts
- Bioflex MB 3Dresyns contain monomers, which cause eye and skin irritation and allergy, risks and hazards which can be fully eliminated with the right postcuring and cleaning protocols to ensure their maximum biocompatibility of prints
- Bioflex MF are ultra safe, since do not contain any monomers. and meet the highest safety and biocompatibility standards
- Bioflex MF grades are recommended for printing functional biomedical applications, where biocompatibility and safety of the resin is more important than the mechanical properties
Monomer Based MB 3Dresyns contain monomers, which in liquid form have higher risk of causing eye and skin irritation and allergy. Nevertheless, they have been designed to meet the highest safety and biocompatibility standards of properly post processed prints, without sacrificing mechanical perfomance. These products are non labeled with toxic but with warning pictograms; causing skin and eye irritancy as supplied, which can be fully eliminated with the right postcuring and cleaning protocols to ensure their maximum biocompatibility.
3Dresyns is the first and unique 3D resin supplier developing ultra safe functional biocompatible flexible 3D resins with non toxic risk pictograms.
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