About the founder of 3Dresyns

Dr. Juan Segurola has more than 30 years of industrial experience. He is an internationally recognized industrial scientist with extensive experience as R&D, technical service, commercial manager, and as entrepreneur. He has a unique combination of PhD-level academic credentials, practical scientific publications, and a wealth of experience in market driven management and entrepreneurship. He has written about twenty scientific articles on polymers.

Juan Segurola is the sole founder, owner, and administrator of the 3D resin company Resyner Technologies S.L. and of its commercial brand “3Dresyns”, based in Spain.

For the last thirty years, Dr. Segurola has had several international senior positions in multinational and family-owned companies in research, development, sales, marketing, technical service, and applications of solvent based, water based, 100% solids, and light curable photopolymer systems.

In his earlier career, he was the technical service and applications manager with BFGoodrich (later called Noveon and nowadays Lubrizol). He received the President´s Award in 2001 for the best Technical Service Manager in Europe, Middle East, and Africa.

Since he launched 3Dresyns in 2017, Dr. Segurola and his team have already provided products and services to over 300 universities and 3000 companies in 50 countries around the World.

3Dresyns has developed more than 500 high tech environmentally friendly products for 3D printing and rapid Additive Manufacturing, which are functionalised online to make over 10 billion products, to help make 3D printing technology the entrepreneurial compass and growth vehicle for companies around the world.

3Dresyns has developed the first online offering of multivariable, multiresponse, multifunctional, predictive, and corrective algorithmic systems based on artificial intelligence for designing online billions of materials by adding different levels of custom functionality online. 3Dresyns sales are proportionally distributed among North America, Europe, and Asia, selling products and services already to 3000 customers in 50 countries. 

About the dream of developing a personal project

After working a quarter of a century for third parties, from research centres to multinational and family companies, Segurola came to the conclusion of his need to have his own business project without depending on third parties to be able to develop projects of his own interest. He envisioned 3D printing technology and Additive Manufacturing as the democratic revolution of the digital age, since anyone can become a "homo ludens" or playing man, and a "homo faber" or tool maker, since 3D printing allows the printing and custom manufacture of materials with a low investment, hence the term, democratic revolution, since it enables anyone, even without economic resources, to be creative and create things by manufacturing their own designs.


After a quarter of a century of international academic and business experience in the science, technology, and industry of photopolymer, solvent, and water based resin systems, in 2017 he decided to launch his own company as sole proprietor, Resyner Technologies S.L., and 3Dresyns, his disruptive online sales platform of 3D printing materials for Additive Manufacturing and 3D printing. 

Creation of disruptive technologies and products

Through 3Desyns, Segurola and his team have developed new chemistries and commercialized the most disruptive, diverse, and exhaustive range of eco-sustainable and functional 3D materials on the market, for a wide range of 3D printing technologies and applications, overcoming the existing limitations of the excessive fragility and toxicity of the "state of the art" materials, enabling the transition to the digital revolution of Additive Manufacturing and 3D printing in a myriad of applications that are already being used for the nano, micro, and macroscopic scale manufacturing of a broad range of 3D printed multifunctional photopolymer resins with high performing properties and with very high resolution and accuracy, for a diverse range of markets and applications, from sub-micron and nano to macro fabrication, including hobbyist "DIY, prototyping, modelling and product designjewelrydentalotoplastics / hearing aidsproduction of technical ceramics and metalsdurable and sacrificial moldinginjection molding of technical ceramics and metals with sacrificial moldsfunctional engineeringbio scaffoldsbioprinting and tissue engineeringhydrogels, anti-static, electrostatic discharge ESD materialsprinting plates, thermo responsive and other 4D printing resinssecurity systems, 3D adhesivesbiocompatible biomedical devices like micro drug delivery implant devices, microneedles, and microporous membranes, cell-sized micro-robots, electronics for printing conductive rigid and flexible electronic materials such as antennas for IoT applications (HF, UHF), RFID and NFC tags, OLED, OPVs, flexible PCBs, flexible cables, transparent electrodes for touch screens, based on silver nanowires 3D ink systems, miniaturization of micro electronics components like micro antennas, micro RF devices, and other electrical devices, where direct printing on photodiodes and LEDs is undertaken to avoid micro component assembly, pressure, temperature, humidity, and bio sensors in aerospace applications, metamaterials used in mechanical engineeringaerospacesound insulation, and other innovative areas, such as ophthalmic lenses, micro optics, micro lenses, micro prisms, compound lens systems, metalenses for optical telecommunication, electronic, and processing equipment. As well as lab-on-a-chip microfluidics, where microscopic quantities of fluids are circulated through 3D printed micro channels, with lab-on-a-chip 3D technology, and many more custom designed innovative 3D applications.

About 3Dresyns disruptive technologies and artificial intelligence

Since its launch in 2017, 3Dresyns has optimized and expanded its extensive portfolio with new disruptive resins, developing new eco-sustainable and biodegradable photochemical technologies with outstanding physicochemical and mechanical properties that compete with the best plastics, such as polycarbonate, PEEK, nylon, polyurethane, etc. produced by conventional technologies of synthetic petrochemical origin and very slow biodegradability.

3Dresyns sells online more than 500 resins (and other consumables, including SLS powders for Selective Laser Sintering), which can be custom designed or multifunctionalized online with over several thousand colours, and up to 4 functional additives, among around 50 functional additive choices, which can be added online for custom design of over 10 billion ready to use/print 3D resins.

3Dresyns multifunctional offering is based on multivariate / multivariable, multiresponse, predictive, interpolative / extrapolative, and corrective artificial Intelligence AI algorithmic systems, which are ideal for designing online proof of concept and functional products.

About 3D printing

3D printing has started to  change and revolutionize the manufacturing of an immense number of nano, micro, and macro scale materials, thanks to the development of high performance photopolymerization 3D printing resins and printing technologies. From the fabrication of very small printed materials in the nano scale with feature sizes from 1 nm (1 nm or nanometre = 0.000000001 metre), to 1 micron (1 micron =0.000001 metre), and up to the macro scale with maximum printing sizes of metres, all with complex geometries and custom designed multifunctional physico-chemical properties.

3Dresyns multifunctional photopolymer 3D resins, containing metals, ceramics, and exotic materials are nowadays being used for manufacturing high quality 3D printed products with the most important 3D printing techniques.

About the Company

3Dresyns, the trademark of the Company Resyner Technologies SL, is an innovative online supplier of  functional and biocompatible 3D resins  for  SLA, DLP, LCD, Inkjet, and other 2D and 3D printing technologies for modeling, prototyping, and end-use production of functional materials for domestic consumers, professional, industrial and biomedical applications.

Resyner Technologies SL, was registered in 2016 and launched online in 2017 with the most innovative range of functional and biocompatible photopolymer "3D resins", based on bioplastics, for SLA, DLP, LCD, Inkjet, and other 2D and 3D printing technologies.

From academic ivory tower to industrial materialization and promotion

The 3Dresyns team led by Segurola is pioneering the use of thousands of academic ivory tower exotic materials for the design of innovative high-functionality exotic 2D & 3D printing materials, as well as the online marketing of billions of multifunctional products designed and tailor-made for the most diverse specifications.

3Dresyns applies the latest academic scientific advances in functional, eco-sustainable, and exotic materials in the development of high-performance exotic 2D & 3D resins, SLS powders, and other consumables.  

3Dresyns consulting services

In addition to developing, selling online, and promoting innovative 3D resins, 3Dresyns also provides consulting services for:

3Dresyns offering for 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing

The 3Dresyns team has developed  the most innovative and extensive portfolio of multifunctional photopolymer resins in the market for the most important nano, micro, and macro 3D printing, and Additive Manufacturing technologies, including the following printer types and manufacturing equipment:

Leading disruptive changes for cost effective eco manufacturing

3D printing is a rapidly evolving technology in which new and existing technologies and production processes are continuously developed and improved to manufacture better and safer materials with the lowest possible production costs.

"3D printing makes possible the direct and indirect additive manufacturing of a myriad of high-performance and biocompatible materials with unlimited physical, chemical, and mechanical properties, with precise and detailed dimensions, and with a minimal investment. It is the revolution of the XXI century, as it empowers and turns people and companies into manufacturers of multifunctional 3D printed materials.

About the objectives of 3Dresyns

The goal of 3Dresyns is to offer sensible and cost-effective solutions to unmet market needs and to develop 3D functional materials and processes for the development of better, safer, and greener materials and production processes at the lowest possible cost and human impact on the environment. 3Dresyns offers the most extensive range of 3D resins on the world market, characterized by their high multifunctionality and safety for humans and the environment.

The accomplishment of the objectives has materialized in the development and commercialization of the most extensive range in the market of ultra-safe biocompatible functional resins for biomedical applications, both for handling and for end users. The wide range of monomer-free as supplied 3D resins ensures end-user safety by eliminating the potential risk of migration and absorption of monomers in the human body, such as through the mucosa and skin of the mouth in dental applications.

"3Dresyns offers a complete range of safe and functional materials with multiple properties, functionalities, and colors: from durable to sacrificial materials for direct and indirect additive manufacturing"

Another key objective of 3Dresyns is the development of safe biodegradable and durable biocompatible materials, based on biological and renewable sources.

Safety Benefits of 3Dresyns products

Most of 3Dresyns products are ultra safe and include 3D resins which do not contain any monomers as supplied. They have been designed to meet the highest safety and biocompatibility standards. These products are non labeled with toxic pictograms because they are ultra safe for handling, end users, and disposal. Their final biocompatibility and certification will depend on their tuning with the right tuning additivesfunctional additives, and colors in specific customer´s printing and production workflows. Most competitor´s 3D resins contain toxic ingredients which can cause health problems, since they can be absorbed by the skin. Some competitor´s resins also emit toxic fumes which can also cause health issues.

Potential health problems of monomer based 3D resins

3Dresyns is globally the first and only 3D resin supplier selling "monomer free" biocompatible 3D resins, colors, and additives with Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs) with non toxic raw materials and without any toxicity pictograms.  Monomer free 3D resins do not contain any monomers as supplied. They have been designed to reduce the risk of monomer extraction. 3Dresyns portfolio also includes monomer based biocompatible 3D resins for biomedical, orthodontic, and dental applications  which use safe bio based and synthetic monomers for maximum safety.

3Dresyns collaborations, customers, and end users

3Dresyns supplies products and services to a wide range of markets and to around 3000 customers in 50 countries since its launch in 2017, from amateur home users to more than 300 of the World's top universities and research institutes. 3Dresyns is also working on specific 3D projects with few companies, organizations, institutions, and universities, whose objectives and contents cannot be disclosed to protect our customer base and fully comply with Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs).

3Dresyns also supplies, directly and indirectly through our customers, 2D and 3D resins and services to different companies, institutions, and universities. The list of contributors, customers, and publishable end users includes the world-renowned NASA, Los Alamos, MIT, Harvard University, ESRF, DESY, etc.

There are more than three hundred examples of  customers: companies, universities, and institutions to which 3Dresyns supplies its products and services, directly or indirectly through intermediary customers since 2017, when 3Dresyns started its dynamic business activity that yielded more than 50 world-renowned innovations and achievements.

As a result of the extensive collaboration between 3Dresyns and the market, hundreds of publications have seen the light associated with the technologies, products, and services offered by 3Dresyns to the market. 

Publications about 3Dresyns

Discover the large number of publications evaluating the properties of 3Dresyns products and their contribution to 3D printing and Additive Manufacturing, where 3Dresyns' commitment to developing value-added materials to provide safe and environmentally friendly solutions to the 3D printing industry and 3D printer users is evidenced and valued.

Some of 3Dresyns' innovative products and technologies have been published in some world-renowned journals, as well as in the international journal "nature" recognized for publishing the best peer-reviewed research in all fields of science and technology.

As example, in this article published in "nature" water-soluble 3D sacrificial resins developed by 3Dresyns, being the only global supplier that has this technology, were used to print sacrificial materials: Patient-specific cerebral arteries molded as a flexible ghost model using 3D printed water-soluble resin

3Dresyns research, innovations, and trade secrets, as a private for-profit company, are classified and not published due to the secretive cutting edge nature of 3D printing technology. The Company has no interest in publishing its innovations and secrets to protect its know-how and trade secrets. Read: 3Dresyns restricted publications

Market Analysis Reports 

3Dresyns is committed to designing and developing safe and functional 3D resins and processes for 3D printing and Additive Manufacturing. Discover the role given as top player to 3Dresyns in these international market analysis reports:

    Discover 3Dresyns view and approach to 3D printing and Additive Manufacturing: