
    Registered Company name of 3Dresyns brand:

    • Company name: Resyner Technologies S.L.
    • Registered fiscal address (not to be used as laboratory, office, or factory address): G. V. de las C. Catalanas 640, 08007 Barcelona Spain
    • Company registered VAT: ES B66858788
    • Contact email: info@3dresyns.com
    • Company web: www.3Dresyns.com

    Bank account for payments by bank transfer:

    • Bank name: BANCO DE SABADELL, S.A.
    • Bank registered address: Av. Óscar Esplá, no. 37 / Alicante / Spain
    • Bank postcode: 03007
    • Beneficiary or bank account name: RESYNER TECHNOLOGIES S.L.U.
    • Beneficiary address: Gran Via de las Cortes Catalanas 640
    • Beneficiary town: Barcelona
    • Beneficiary postcode: 08007
    • Bank Country: Spain
    • IBAN No: ES45 0081 0072 5500 0128 3232
    • Bank account No: 0081 0072550001283232
    • Currency: Euro

    Note for UK buyers: If you are in the UK and will place orders by bank transfer from a UK bank account use as bank sort code: 60-92-70

    Offline payments by bank transfer 

    • For payments by bank transfer please send us an email to info@3dresyns.com with your Purchasing Order (PO)
    • The total due invoice and bank commissions should be paid by the customer and should not be deduced from payments (bank commissions should not be shared nor paid by us).
    • Remember to send us the confirmation and proof of payment to process your order. 

    After receiving your PO a quote/proforma invoice with our bank details will be sent back asap! 

    Delivery and related payment terms

    • How to order: 3Dresyns fast & easy ordering process
    • Country of origin: Spain
    • Incoterms: prices and terms of delivery: our products are Duty Delivered Paid DDP for European Union customers and Delivered At Place (DAP) for non European Union customers and include or not full product value transit damage insurance for the value of goods depending of your chosen transport. The buyer is responsible for paying customs duties, which is a tariff or tax imposed on goods when transported across international borders. This tax is usually a small % of the declared goods value. For countries outside the European Union, our prices are tax free. Local taxes will have to be paid in the buyer's country
    • Tariff codes: our products have this tariff HS Code: 39075000
    • Products Not of Animal Origin (non-POAO): our products do not contain any animal origin or derived ingredients 
    • Discounts: click on this link to discover our discount policy
    • List Price: prices for each product reference and SKU are shown in each product reference on www.3Dresyns.com
    • Shipping Costs: shipping costs are calculated online during check out for your order weight and location
    • Lead times: click on this link for knowing our approximate lead times
    • Validity period of the price: online prices can be modified by 3Dresyns without notice unless a contract is signed beforehand 
    • Validity period of quotes: 1 month
    • MSDSs can be requested by email to info@3dresyns.com
    • Packaging size (selling unit): each packaging size is indicated on each product reference online. Orders of several units of the same products will be automatically grouped and bottled in bigger bottles or jerrycans, unless the Company and the Customer agrees and negotiates beforehand the reselling of the products with the original 3Dresyns labels in the original bottle sizes shown on 3Dresyns website. In these cases, pricing, discounts, packaging, and terms & conditions will need to be negotiated offline B2B.
    • Mode of transport: standard delivery by air freight. Big orders can be agreed to be sent by road transport in Europe or by ship oversea to reduce transport costs  

    About Invoices and VAT

    • After placing orders invoices cannot be modified
    • Ensure that both the shipping and fiscal addresses are correct
    • For non European Union buyers prices are VAT free and are Delivered At Place (DAP) outside the European Union
    • European companies with valid intrastat VAT can request for VAT exemption by email at: info@3Dresyns.com only before ordering
      • European customers (not from Spain since we are located in Spain) representing registered companies with VAT validated in VIES can request for VAT tax exemption for their online orders. Then, their 3Dresyns accounts will be allowed for online ordering without taxes. Ensure that you request for VAT exemption (if entitled) before online ordering since VAT refunding cannot be applied afterwards for orders placed online despite having a valid intrastat VAT
    • For more detailed info read our Legal terms
    • Remember to send us the confirmation and proof of payment to track the payment of your orders