Detailed Instructions for Use "IFU", including the methodology for getting the optimum printing settings and calibration files will be sent upon request for the ordered 3Dresyns products. The IFU supplied by the Company are detailed enough for getting excellent printing results with most printers assuming they are followed without any cutting corners.

For more info read the clause for compatibility with SLA, DLP, LCD, Inkjet, and other printing technologies and 3Dresyns intercompany communications policy.

The purchasing of products does not include the supply of free samples nor after sales printing consulting services:

  • Small samples of Fine Tuner FT1 and/or LB1 Bio which will be sent if necessary (discretionarily by the 3Dresyns team) for custom adjusting printing speed and resolution
  • After sales printing consulting services, which can be contracted separately as printing consulting services

If you need free small samples of Fine Tuner FT1 and/or LB1 Bio please ensured that they are requested in the online orders in Notes and in the offline orders in the Purchasing Orders POs. The sent quantities will be discretionarily chosen by the 3Dresyns team and always smaller than the Minimum Order quantity MOQ of Fine Tuner FT1 and/or LB1 Bio.

    If the buyer, the Recipient, does not agree with these terms and conditions (and legal terms) of use, the Recipient should not order any products from the Company.