Made to order for photopolymer Inkjet 3D printers
Our Inkjet 3D resins are designed to print with most open and closed mode inkjet printers, including Multijet (3D Systems, Polyjet (Stratasys) and Agilista (Keyence) printers.
Our Inkjet 3Dresyns are filtered with filters with pore sizes <10 microns, are made to order, and are compatible with most 2D and 3D inkjet printers, including MultiJet MJP, PolyJet PJP, and Agilista (Keyence) inkjet printers:
3Dsystems Projet MultiJet series
- Projet MJP2500, 2500 plus, 2500W series
- Projet MJP3600, 3600 Max, 3600W series
- Projet 3500 series, including CP, CPX
- others
Note: For Multijet printers have two versions, liquid and solid versions which melt >50ºC:
About liquid versions (recommended only for research):
- MJP printers must be on to avoid any resin dripping (the vacuum will stop when the printer is off due to a printer design limitation)
- ideal for improved clarity and mechanical performance
- ideal for research in academia and innovation
- ideal for printing a broader range of materials with improved and broader range of functionalities
- About solid versions (for switching the printer off without dripping):
- ideal to prevent dripping out of the resin when the printer is off
- reduced risk of dot gain in slow curing systems
- minimum increased risk of transparency reduction
- Both versions have very low viscosity at injection temperature: Viscosity <15 mPas at 80ºC
Stratasys PolyJet series*
- Objet 30 Pro, Objet30 Prime, Objet Eden260VS
- Objet260 Connex1 Objet500 Connex1
- others
Keyence Agilista series*
- Agilista 3000, 3100, 3200, 3200W series
*Note: these are liquid inkjet resins with very low viscosity at injection temperature: Viscosity <15-20 mPas at 70ºC
Customised inkjet printers
- customisation of inkjet resin can be contracted: customisation services
- solid and liquid at room temperature biocompatible inkjet resins and supports can be customised to your needs:
- solid versions can be custom designed with different melting/freezing temperatures
- liquid versions can be custom designed with optimum overall biocompatibility and mechanical performance with the lowest inkjet viscosities
Note: We do not induce the use nor provide RFID cards nor accept any legal liability by the use or misuse of our 3Dresyns in resin cartridges containing compatible RFID tags with your printer, despite being technically and legally viable. Customers should acknowledge that they will use our Inkjet 3Dresyns on their own risk and responsibility.