Dental 3Dresyn IJ-OD-UHR has these features and benefits:
- printable with most commercial and professional Inkjet 3D printers
- Stratasys: Objet Eden 260V, 260VS, 333, 350, 350V, 500, 500V, 1000 Plus, J750, Objet Connex 260, 350 and 500 series
- 3D Systems: ProJet MJP 2500, 2500+, 3500, 3510 and 3600 Plastic series
- versatile material, ideal for printing "try in" devices for bite registration and occlusion, impression trays, master prosthodontic and orthodontic models, dental models used for manufacturing clear orthodontic aligners and appliance models with the vacuum thermoforming process
- white color
- ultra hard and rigid UHR
- extra hard Shore D85-90
- tensile strength <40 MPa
- flexural strength <40 MPa
- rigid (Young modulus 2000-2500 MPa)
- elongation <2.5%
- high Deflection Temperature >160C@0.45MPa
- excellent dimensional stability
- high resolution up to 20 micron
- durable
- inkjet viscosity (<20 mPas at 70ºC and <15 mPas at 80ºC) for excellent inkjet printability
- very low shrinkage
- organo-tin free
- fully compliant with the Quality requirements of ISO 20795-1 and ISO 10993-1