Our selection of easy breakable sacrificial 3Dresyns "Cocoon" and special additives for 3D printing sacrificial models and molds for injection of traditional materials such as waxes, and silicones*.
Our Easy breakable cocoon sacrificial 3D resins are ideal for printing sacrificial cocoons (for injection of soft materials such as silicones) by SLA DLP and LCD 3D printing since they can be sacrified or eliminated by breaking them easily by hand.
Sacrificial technology is ideal for manufacturing materials with complex shapes (where casts are intertwined with the mold) for engineering, industrial and Otoplastics applications since soft materials can be easily cast or injected by gravity or under pressure in cocoon molds printed with our sacrificial 3D resins, with even low cost SLA, DLP & LCD 3D printers.
Our cocoon sacrificial resins are ideal for printing Injection Molds IM for injecting/casting of:
- silicones* and waxes such as our 3Dresyns Waxes
Discover our Sacrificial Packs!
*Note: Injected molded RTV silicones use platinum catalysts, which are inhibited by some chemicals contained in 3D printed molds, leaving the surface of the silicone sticky or uncured. Full curing is required to avoid the risk of monomer extraction and silicone curing inhibition. The use of our Cleaning Fluid, Cure Tester and Purification kit also help to overcome this common problem, by eliminating the inhibiting chemicals from the surface of 3D printed molds.