Name: Juan
Surname: Segurola
Date of birth: 7/5/1971
Nationality: Spanish
Contact Information:

About Juan Segurola Cordero

Juan Segurola was born in San Sebastian, in the Basque Country, Spain. He received a BS degree in Chemistry from the University of the Basque Country (Spain), and a PhD in Photochemistry of Polymers from Manchester Metropolitan University MMU (UK). He has two children and resides with his wife in Spain.

Scientific career fields: Materials science, polymer chemistry and photochemistry, synthesis, analysis, design, production of synthetic and bio-based resin systems in water, solvent, and 100% solids photopolymer systems for 2D and 3D printing and additive manufacturing.

Institutions: University of the Basque Country (Spain), Manchester Metropolitan University MMU (UK).

Doctoral director: Profesor Norman Allen (Manchester Metropolitan University MMU).

About Juan Segurola´s academics

Juan Segurola Cordero, also known as Juan Segurola (San Sebastián, May 7, 1971) is an entrepreneur and photopolymer scientist, PhD in Polymer Photochemistry at Manchester Metropolitan University MMU and graduated in Chemistry, specialized in Polymer Science, in the Basque Country University (UPV / EHU). As an entrepreneur, he stands out for being the founder and sole owner of Resyner Technologies S.L., and its online platform 3Dresyns for the sale of photopolymer 3D resins and other consumables.

Early life and education

Juan Segurola is the son of the teachers Ricardo Segurola and María Jesús Cordero. He grew up with a sister in San Sebastian and graduated in Chemistry in 1994. In 1994 he completed his final year bachelor's project in synthesis of two novel photoinitiator derivatives of anthraquinone and benzophenone" with Professor Norman Allen at Manchester Metropolitan University, where later in 1999 obtained his Ph.D. with a thesis: "Photochemical characteristics and design of synergistic combinations of photoinitiators for UV curable inks and coatings" in a collaborative research program between the company Swale Process (now Sun Chemical, the largest printing inks manufacturer in the world) and Professor Norman Allen at Manchester Metropolitan University MMU.


2017-up to date: Founder and owner of Resyner Technologies S.L.  and its commercial brand “3Dresyns”

2004-2017 Technical Sales Manager at Kromachem Spain

  • Technical sales manager for the Coatings and Inks Industry. Product range: waxes, micronised polymers, texturing agents, additives, resins, pigment pastes, defoamers, levelling agents, etc.

1999-up to date: Consultant for 2D and 3D resin technologies.

  • Polymer consultation services to 2D & 3D companies around the world (without entering in competition with his employers) in eco friendly and high performance polymers and resin systems for photo curable, water based, solvent based, and 100% solids coatings, inks, and 3D resin systems
    • From 1999 to 2022 and from 2004 to 2017 as independent consultant
    • From 2002 to 2004 as secretary of Expert Solutions International Ltd, a consulting company for UV printing inks and coatings
    • From 2017 up to date as owner of 3Dresyns (Resyner Technologies S.L.) 

1998-2004 European Technical Service & Applications (TS&A) Manager for Graphic Arts, Specialty Papers, and Nonwovens at BFGoodrich (later on Noveon, and nowadays Lubrizollocated in Barcelona  (European mother plant). Area responsibility EMEA: Europe, Middle East & Africa. Objectives: His main objectives and responsibilities were the following:

  • Lead the technical service and applications in Europe, Middle East & Africa
  • Provide technical expertise and trainings to the sales network, distributors, and customers
  • Design, research & develop new products for Graphic Arts, Specialty Papers, and Nonwovens, including:
    • Solvent and water based Inks & Over Print Varnishes OPV´s for food packaging, corrugated, folding cartons, film printing, metallization, etc.
    • Water Based WB paper coatings, paper saturation, beater addition, Non Wovens, etc.
  • Coordinate and collaborate actively with the Marketing Plan Design to dentify new potential markets and business opportunities for sb & wb systems for the Graphic Arts, Specialty Papers, and NonWovens Industries
  • Design, write, and organise technical and marketing information such as brochures, catalogues, technical data sheets, scientific and marketing publications, etc.
  • Develop starting point formulations and side by side comparative evaluations for the Graphic Arts, Specialty Papers, and NonWovens Industries

1996-1998 Research & Development Scientist at the Printing Ink Company Swale Process, acquired by Sun Chemical

  • Reformulation of UV flexographic inks, UV Offset lithographic inks, and UV OPV´s
  • Industrial results: Improvement of the manufacturing process by designing eutectic liquid blends of photoinitiators and wetting agents of enhanced reactivity and bulk stability through mixture and factorial design. The new process substituted the old process in which solid photoinitiators and wetting agents had to be dissolved in resins for around 2-3 hours during the manufacturing, speeding up production time around a 15% of all UV paste and liquid inks and decreasinng the raw material cost around 15%
  • Supervisor of two Erasmus Projects, in collaboration with Professor Norman Allen at Manchester Metropolitan University based on research in UV radiation curing systems

1995-1996 Research Scientist and Coordinator in the Research centre CIDEMCO (today Tecnalia)

  • Coordinator and Researcher of the following Craft Eu-Ram Projects of the European Commission: 
    • URCURE: Design of UV curable water based coatings for wood coatings: Synthesis and analytical characterisation of UV curable water based coatings
    • SERU: Design of UV sealants based on silicone chemistry  

1992-1993 Scholarship in the company Krafft (now the Illinois Tool Works ITW company), in collaboration with the Basque Country University:

  • ISO 9000 project
  • Research project in “Synthesis and analysis of polysiloxanes”

1996-1999 Doctor Degree “PhD.” in “Photochemical characteristics and design of synergistic photoinitiator combinations for UV curable inks and coatings” in a collaboration research programme between Swale Process (Sun chemical) and Professor Norman Allen at Manchester Metropolitan University MMU (UK) 

    1994-1995 ISO 9000 Quality Assurance Management Course, from the Industrial Engineering school of Navarra, Guipuzcoa and Vizcaya (Spain)

    1989-1994 Bachelor degree in Polymer Chemistry (five year Chemistry Degree), specialised in Polymer Science (2 years speciality) in the Faculty of Chemistry of the Basque Country University (Spain)

    1993-1994 Erasmus scholarship grant from the EC at Manchester Metropolitan University MMU:

    • Final year Bachelor academic course
    • Final year Honours Project with Professor Norman Allen in “Synthesis of two new anthraquinone and benzophenone photoinitiator derivatives”

    Juan Segurola has written around 20 articles related to polymer science and photopolymer systems, which have been published in several scientific and industrial Journals. During his PhD and industrial research at Swale Process Segurola wrote nine non classified /restricted articles in several scientific journals. The key innovations and findings of his research were not published to protect the trade secrets and proprietary technologies of his employer Swale Process. List of non classified / restricted publications:

    1. “Photochemistry and photoinduced chemical crosslinking activity of acrylated prepolymers by several commercial type I far UV photoinitiators”. Reference: Segurola, J., Allen, N.S., Edge, M., Roberts, I., Polymer Degradation and Stability 65 (1999) 153-160
    2. “Photoyellowing and discolouration of UV cured acrylated clear coatings systems: influence of PI type”. Reference: Segurola, J., Allen, N.S., Edge, McMahon, A., Wilson, S., Polymer Degradation and Stability 64 (1999) 39-48
    3. “Photochemistry and photoinduced chemical crosslinking activity of several type II commercial photoinitiators in acrylated prepolymers”. Reference: Segurola, J., Allen, N.S., Edge, M., parrondo, A., Roberts, I., Journal of photochemistry and photobiology 122 (1999) 115-125
    4. “A comparative kinetic study of UV-curable resins. The relationship between structure and rheology”. Reference: Allen, N.S., Segurola, J., Edge, M., McMahon, A., Roberts, I., Journal Oil Colour Chem. Association 6, (1999) 285-292
    5. “A comparative kinetic study of commercial photoinitiators for UV/visible curable acrylate clear coatings”. Reference: Allen, N.S., Segurola, J., Edge, M., Santamari, E., McMahon, A., Journal Oil Colour Chem. Association 2, (1999) 67-76
    6. “Comparative study of the relationship between structure and rheology properties of UV-curable reactive diluent monomers”. Reference: Segurola, J., Allen, N.S., Edge, M., McMahon, A., Roberts, I., PPCJ (Feb 1999) 32-38
    7. “Inks by design- a study in UV monomer kinetics”. Reference: Segurola, J., Allen, N.S., Edge, M., McMahon, A., Roberts, I., European Ink Maker PPCJ (June 1999) 18-21
    8. “Design of eutectic photoiniator blends for UV/visible curable acrylated printing inks and coatings”. Reference: Segurola, J., Allen, N.S., Edge, M., McMahon, A., Progress in Organic Coatings 37 (1999) 23-37
    9. "Photocuring activity of several commercial near UV activated photoinitiators in clear and pigmented systems". Reference: Segurola, J., Allen, N.S., Edge, M., Parrondo, A., Roberts, I., Journal of Coatings Technology Vol.71, No 894 (July 1999) 61-67

    After finishing his PhD, Juan Segurola has published around ten non classified / restricted articles related to industrial polymers, photochemistry of polymers, water based polymers, waxes, and related polymer topics: 

    1. “Estudio cinético comparativo de fotoiniciadores comerciales de tipo unimolecular para el curado de recubrimientos por radiación ultravioleta”. Reference: Segurola, J., Barnizado+Encolado del Mueble, 3 (2002) 12-15
    2. “Estudio cinético comparativo de fotoiniciadores comerciales de tipo unimolecular para el curado de recubrimientos por radiación ultravioleta. Parte I”. Reference: Segurola, J., Pinturas y acabados Industriales 277 (2002)
    3. “Estudio cinético comparativo de fotoiniciadores comerciales de tipo bimolecular para el curado de recubrimientos por radiación ultravioleta. Parte II” Reference: Segurola, J., Pinturas y acabados Industriales 278 (2002) 22-25
    4. “Safer graphic inks for food”. Reference: Segurola, J. Polymers Paint Colour Journal, 143-4471 (2003) 28-30
    5. “Optimización de las formulaciones de las tintas flexográficas para papel y cartón kraft: Efecto del tipo de cargas en las propiedades y el coste de las tintas. Parte 1. Tintas blancas. Reference: Segurola, J., Pinturas y acabados Industriales 287(2003) 35-46
    6. “Optimización de las formulaciones de las tintas flexográficas para papel y cartón kraft. Efecto del tipo de cargas en las propiedades y el coste de las tintas. Parte 2. Tintas rojas. Reference: Segurola, J., Pinturas y acabados Industriales 289 (2004)
    7. “A study of the effect of several extenders on the properties of white water-based corrugated inks”. Reference: Segurola, Surface Coatings International Part A (2004)3
    8. “A study of the effect of several extenders on the colour properties of water based corrugated flexographic inks: Red inks based on Pigment Red 49:2”. Reference: Segurola, J., Surface Coatings International Part A (2004)6
    9. “Aplicaciones de las ceras en la industria de los recubrimientos y de las tintas de impresión”. Reference: Segurola, J., Pinturas y acabados Industriales 301 (2005)26-34
    10. “ Enzymatic degradation and ageing of additively manufactured soy-based scaffolds for cell-cultured meat”. Reference: CIRP Annals, Volume 72, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 149-152

    Publications of the key discoveries, innovations, technologies, and secrets have not deliberately published to protect 3Dresyns trade secrets and its proprietary information (3Dresyns restricted publications).

    Since the setup of Resyner Technologies S.L. and its duly registered commercial brand 3Dresyns (3Dresyns trademark), new chemistries have been explored, including new cationic, anionic, and radical photopolymerisation systems. Additionally, hundreds of publications about 3Dresyns technologies have been already published by 3Dresyns customers, collaborators, and the media in few scientific journals, market studies, and magazines. Discover over 50 worldwide 3Dresyns innovations and achievements.

    • Speaker at Radcure Coatings and Inks 22-23 June 1998 (PRA) with the paper “A comparative kinetic study of commercial PIs for UV/Visible curable systems
    • Speaker in several conferences in several paint and ink associations, such as in  Spanish Associaton of Paint Technicians AETEPA and the Official College of Chemists of Barcelona, Madrid and Valencia
    • Hundreds of personal technical trainings and consulting services have been provided to customers B2B, initially as Juan Segurola, and later on, since 2017 through his company Resyner Technologies / 3Dresyns


    • For three decades Segurola, and since 2017 through 3Dresyns, has created a global network of research fellows, collaborators, and customers
    • 3Dresyns supplies products and services to a broad range of markets and to around 3000 customers in 50 countries since its launching in 2017, from hobby home users to over 300 of the world´s top universities and research institutes
    • 3Dresyns is working in specific 3D projects with many companies, organisations, institutions, and universities, which goals and contents cannot be published nor disclosed (restricted publications) to protect 3Dresyns trade secret technology, its customers base, to fully comply with Non Disclosure Agreements NDAs
    • 3Dresyns also supplies, directly and indirectly, through its customers, 2D and 3D resins and services to different companies, institutions, and universities. The list of publishable collaborators, customers, and final users includes the world-renowned NASALos AlamosMIT, Harvard University, ESRF, DESY, etc.


    • In 2012 Juan Segurola began a collaboration with the NGO CC and carried out a project of ambulatory assistance and analysis of water quality in one of the poorest countries in the world, Mali, a country in sub-Saharan Africa, where he decided to finance up to date ambulatory medicine projects, given the low outpatient coverage of the country. Discover more about Juan Segurola´s non-profit interests
    • Winner of the President´s Award at BFGoodrich (Noveon) to the best Technical service in EMEA in 2001