Our selection of 3D functional additives and auxiliaries for tuning and adding functionality or extra performance properties to our 3Dresyns.
Our functional 3D additives and auxiliaries are like "supplements or medicine pills" since add value and functional performance to our 3D resins.
Discover our functional additives and auxiliaries:
Sale price€119.00
3D-ADD AWA1 Anti Warping Additive, for reducing the warping of 3D prints
Sale price€178.50
3D-ADD ESDA Clear, clear antistatic ESD additive
Sale price€142.80
3D ADD HRI1 Black, High Refractive Index Black additive
Sale priceFrom €238.00
3D-ADD CBA1 Bio Biocompatible Chemical Blowing Agent for foaming 3D prints
Sale priceFrom €476.00
3Dresyn TiO2 Rutile, Ultra White & Opaque 3D printing resin at 70% TiO2 solids